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  • Writer's pictureLiliana Beard

Twitter Chat Experience

I participated in the #BuildHOPEedu Twitter chat that occurs every Sunday night. This chat consisted of an introduction and 4 questions for participants to answer. The topic of the night revolved around the challenges in the past year and how we have dealt with them. I learned that many of us prioritize self care, which is a great thing. Especially in these hard times, it's important to give that time to yourself and really reflect on who you are. I personally didn't run into any obstacles during the chat; it was an enjoyable experience. I interacted with a couple folks and people would like and retweet my posts. This changed my perspective on the experience because I honestly wasn't sure if I would enjoy it. It was actually nice to be given the space to unload my thoughts and see my thoughts reflected in other people's tweets. I would definitely participate in another going forward.

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Kristina Falbe
Kristina Falbe
Mar 27, 2021

Glad you enjoyed the experience. This is not one that I am familiar with, I will have to check it out. ;) -KNF

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