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  • Writer's pictureLiliana Beard

Prompts 5 & 6

So far, TCH 130 has given me the opportunity to create a professional Twitter profile that allows me to connect with fellow educators, influencers in the field, and important organizations. It has been a great experience because I feel that it is a space where we can have valuable discussions and be exposed to helpful material or content that brings awareness to current events in education.

I find myself lurking more than I am participating, so going forward I plan to interact and retweet more often. I also aim to follow more accounts that provide connections. A huge benefit from participating in a PLN as a future educator is that by interacting with "higher-ups" or current teachers not only can you seek advice, but they might even be able to assist you in marketing yourself to schools. Maybe not directly, but having such valuable connections is not something to stick your nose up at! I am looking forward to the future developments and strides within the network for this class.

Personally, I cannot recall any disadvantages. I guess one you could find yourself in is not diversifying your following enough; in this case, you are not being exposed to a sufficient amount of information and opinions.

Here is my characteristic from This We Believe:

I hope the school I end up teaching at promotes an environment such as this. For many students, school is quite literally their safe space/escape. I will do everything in my power to maintain this expectation.

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Lyndsey Butler
Lyndsey Butler
Feb 21, 2021

Hi Liliana-I can relate that sometimes I find myself scrolling through instead of interacting with others on the app. Do you think that could be potentially be a disadvantage of the PLN since it is so easy to lurk instead of interact? I think it is good to follow more accounts and see who fits your style!


Feb 21, 2021

Hi Lili!

I really liked your slide you did. I thought the words and quotes you picked out were really helpful to us so that we can go back and study all the characteristics. I also agree with you that participating in the PLN allows us to get advice from the more experienced teachers and leaders on Twitter.


Feb 15, 2021

I really liked the way you designed your slide for your characteristic! It is very pleasing to look at while still being very informative and helpful! It'll be a great tool to use when I plan to look back at all 18 characteristics. I would like to thank you for making such a great "study guide" for the class. Also, I have to agree with what you haver to say about the PLN. I love how useful it is to connect with other members in the education world.

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