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  • Writer's pictureLiliana Beard

Prompt 8 - Before Reading

The title is what initially drew me to this novel. I honestly just liked it at face value, but can also relate because I feel like my thoughts often distract me and can become so overwhelming, leaving me feel like I am alone with myself. This is something I'm sure many can relate to, though I know Stacy Pershall takes it to a more clinical route with her diagnosis of bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. So again, I feel that I can relate to her character from a surface level perspective of being alone in your thoughts which is part of what drew me to the story. I also have a few people close to me diagnosed with at least one of these mental illnesses, so it'll be fascinating to read from the perspective of someone who understands and experiences them as well. I am definitely looking forward to reading this book!

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Miquela Bowers
Miquela Bowers
Mar 25, 2021

I also chose this book initially because of the title. I also think that learning about mental illness is very interesting. It gives you a perspective and a respect knowing the daily added struggles that they go through each and everyday. I think that if more people took the time to actually learn about mental illnesses and how they actually affect people they would not be judging so harshly.

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