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  • Writer's pictureLiliana Beard

Prompt 13 - Intersectionality

Prior to these videos and readings, I used to think that intersectionality was almost exclusively a term paired with feminism, and that it simply meant being inclusive of all types of women when discussing feminist issues. Now I think that it means embracing every type of difference among people and understanding how the oppressive institutions and privileges in society overlap and impact each other, explained in "Teaching at the Intersections" by Monita K. Bell.

These texts remind me of course content in a couple other of my TCH classes, specifically in terms of implicit bias. We discussed how we must address our implicit biases before entering the classroom and do everything we can to not put them into action. The intersectionality conversation reminds me of that involving implicit bias because these biases are a result of the institutions creating privilege and oppression (i.e. people form biases because they are learned from the structure of society). An example of this connection is the anti-bias framework introduced in the webinar.

I am still wondering, in a way, how to present these types of information to students without "targeting" my students who belong to a marginalized group and making them feel vulnerable.

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1 則留言

Kristina Falbe
Kristina Falbe

Hi Lili. I am glad that you are expanding your definitions and thinking about Intersectionality. Your question is not one that can answered easily but I think the fact that you are asking the questions is a great first step.

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