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  • Writer's pictureLiliana Beard


M - “Middle level schools are the most appropriate places to influence students' personal-social behavior; for one's adult behavior runs in channels cut deep during early adolescence. Inescapably, middle school teaching is a moral enterprise” - "The Middle School Manifesto"

I - Is what we are doing as educators ideal for our middle level students?

D - Dedication.

D - "ONLY THE REAL YOU WILL DO" - Noah B., The Successful Middle School

L - Listen.

E - Education involves a lot more than spewing information to your students. We are influencing people who will eventually contribute to society on their own and make a difference.

Surprise: The resource that stuck out the most to me this week was "The Middle School Manifesto." It really harped on the fact that when teaching, we must account for how impressionable our middles truly are and how we are helping shape them into who they are as people. For me, I've always taken note on how much self discovery takes place among middle level students, but primarily on a personal level. I neglected the idea of how much teachers play a role in this pivotal time as well.

Wondering: After this week, I am left wondering how I personally can make such a difference among my students and help them navigate the "moral enterprise" that is middle school.

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2 則留言


It can be tough to redirect behaviors and to interrupt social environments when interacting with middle school students. So that’s why I relate to your “wonder” question so much because it’s an awfully difficult one to fully be able to comprehend.


Ashley Coleman
Ashley Coleman

I like how you ask a question in middle, thats a good question to ask every time you finish doing a lesson. I like how you have a word, questions, quotes, I agreed with everything you said. I love the question, that is a question that will be forever need to remember because sometimes as educators we forget who we are doing it for. Great Job!

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