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  • Writer's pictureLiliana Beard

Memoir Assignment

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

I picked this title for my memoir because it's simple and straight to the point, as this would be a story about myself. However, I intentionally spelled my name wrong because I would probably somehow use the lily flower as a motif in my story. It's also just a play on words because people always spell my name wrong.

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I really like how you created something so simple while also thinking outside of the box. I thought it was cool how you adjusted the spelling of your name because of the personal experience(s) you've had where other people have spelled it incorrectly, while also connecting it to the Lily flower and making it into a motif. Something as simple but meaningful as this is the start of creating pieces of writing that truly make people think while putting the pieces together as they read. I personally think writers who can turn simple things into meaningful ones are the writers that impact readers most.

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