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  • Writer's pictureLiliana Beard

My Teaching Platform

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Teachers create platforms that establish the general environment of their classroom. I am modeling mine off Teria Fields's, a preservice teacher, who formatted hers as the ABC's.

Lili Teaching You Her Teaching Platform for Teaching - Lili Beard

A All students are capable. As a teacher, you must make sure you reassure your students of their ability and potential.

B Be proactive in making changes to your classroom if it is for the benefit of your students.

C Care about your students, care about the material, care about the school.

D Dazzle your students; present them with information that will engage and entertain.

E Empathize with your students. Sometimes life happens, and that is okay.

F Frequently check in with your students, whether that be through one-on-one conversation, a weekly survey, etc.

G Give yourself some time to breathe. It's okay to not always be 100%; you are human.

H Handle conflicts as quickly as they come.

I Ideas are always welcome.

J Juveniles are not always the nicest. Take what they say with a grain of salt.

AcKnowledge your students. Don't ever ignore a raised hand or someone who begins to speak and gets drowned out.

L Listening is a huge priority. Whether it's from student to teacher, teacher to student, or student to student. Everyone's voice matters.

M Make sure your students understand the material.

N Never yell. Raising your voice will only further drive away your students.

O Optimism, optimism, optimism!

P Positivity, positivity, positivity!

Q Quizzes, tests, etc, are not the only thing that can assess your students' knowledge.

R Reason with one another. No two people agree on everything.

S Support each other. Your classroom should be a safe space where everyone feels valued and encouraged.

T The school should prioritize the needs of all staff and students.

Never Underestimate your students.

V Visualize yourself in the students' shoes. At times, it's easy to get frustrated and not understand where they're coming from, but you must try to overcome this.

W Wait time! Give your students time to think after asking a question.

Don't over eXert yourself. Again, you are human.

Y Your students will love you. Don't worry. :)

Hopefully our future classes aren't on Zoom.

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3 commentaires

10 févr. 2021

I really enjoyed reading this blog in the ABC format! This was such a creative way to organize your blog! It was a fun structure and fun to read! I liked all of the points you made, I really can't pick a favorite. Based on your creativity, subtle hints of humor, and points included about your platform, I can tell how great of a teacher you will be!


05 févr. 2021

Hello! I really enjoyed the way that you structured your blog and thought it was super creative. I agree with everything you said and thought you brought up some great points. I especially like the Y, "your kids will love you, don't worry" I think that is something that everyone thinks about is wanting to be liked by their students or worried that they wont respect you. I laughed out loud at Z though because I really hope we aren't on zoom by the time student teaching comes around! Really enjoyed this blog, great job!-Taylor N.


04 févr. 2021

Hi, Lili! I thought you using an "ABC" format to share your teaching platform was super creative. I like how throughout the letters, you remind teachers to breathe and remember that they're human and not perfect. I feel like teachers can get easily stressed when they can't be everything for everyone. I thought you skipped letter Z at first, but I actually really liked your last point, I thought it was pretty funny. I hope we're done on zoom soon, too. Good job! - Zac

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