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Writing Projects

Priorities, Man (Flash Fiction)

Achoo! The sneeze echoed throughout the room, but who was the culprit? We were stuck in this pitch black room, unsure of its size or population. There are a lot of questions to solve here, but I couldn’t get this sneeze out of my head for some reason. I normally keep a tenacious grip on my mask, but I was out of luck here. Where did all my stuff go? That’s another question. One minute, I was whistling and taking my peaceful stroll like I do every morning, and suddenly I am in this mysterious room with a mysterious amount of people, and now, to add on top of it, a mysterious sneeze! I had to know who it was. “Was that you?” I asked to no one in particular, but whoever heard me responded “No.” These people were all too concerned with the room situation, but not the sneeze.

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